It's All About the Learning

Hello! And welcome to my blog!

Well . . . if there's been an underlying theme to my
life, I'd have to say that "it's all about the learning."
"They" say that one's character is revealed in response
to life's difficulties. I've come to believe that the measure
of a person is not only in how one responds to what life
offers up, but also, what one learns from it and what one
does with that learning. As for me, I will share my
learnings. So, in this blog, in addition to just "this-is-
what's-happening-in-my-life" posts, you will likely see,
"this-is-what-I-learned" posts. My hope is that in sharing
them, maybe you can avoid a pothole or two along your
road. Do with them all what you will.

All the best, Corrinn

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/10/10 - Alright - so for today's learning. There was an incident at work yesterday where my boss sided with my nemesis and arch-rival, against me. To say I was livid is an understatement. I railed against it, drove my friends crazy obsessing about it, conjured diatribes to my boss about what the consequences would be if he didn't choose differently in the future, and basically fumed for a couple of hours. My wise friends advised me to refrain from spewing venom on my boss at that moment and sleep on it. Today, now that my blood is no longer boiling, the steam has stopped blasting from my ears, the sage words of my friends have sunk in, and I've processed the information the Universe sent me, here's what I've learned:

1. That I don't need somebody else (my boss in this case) to have
my back; God has it.

2. That consumate bully control freaks (my nemesis) are to be pitied rather than despised.

And most importantly . . .

3. If you keep your eye on the goal (moving forward with your own dreams) all that is unsupportive of those dreams becomes mere background noise that isn't worth your attention. It's major in maintaining perspective and, therefore, equanimity.

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