It's All About the Learning

Hello! And welcome to my blog!

Well . . . if there's been an underlying theme to my
life, I'd have to say that "it's all about the learning."
"They" say that one's character is revealed in response
to life's difficulties. I've come to believe that the measure
of a person is not only in how one responds to what life
offers up, but also, what one learns from it and what one
does with that learning. As for me, I will share my
learnings. So, in this blog, in addition to just "this-is-
what's-happening-in-my-life" posts, you will likely see,
"this-is-what-I-learned" posts. My hope is that in sharing
them, maybe you can avoid a pothole or two along your
road. Do with them all what you will.

All the best, Corrinn

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday - last day. :-( Same morning as before - we fed the horses, mucked the stalls and then went for breakfast. After breakfast, we saddled up and went to play with cows again while Fame watched. Richard had us get them out of their pen, drive them to the other end of the arena and then put them back in the pen one by one. Much harder than it sounds. We worked in teams of 3 at first and them just partners. It was very fun.

We headed back for lunch, after which Richard did a very cool bridleless riding demo with his horse to let us see what's possible and what an ultimate goal might be and then he answered questions for a while. After we broke up, I played with Fame in the round pen again, walking, trotting and loping in both directions with quite a bit more loping and me off his face, and then I took him out into the arena under saddle for the first time which was very exciting. I just did a passenger lesson - he pretty much just headed for the gate. Guess he was done. Then Karen B and I went back to Boccalis for more wine and then to a market for less expensive wine.
We rushed back for dinner and then saddled up for our last ride. We went on a very cool trail ride to a place called Diamond Hill picnic area.
We tied the horses to trees and gathered up to sing songs and tell stories. Cheryl had gone ahead in the car and put out a beautiful spread of fruits, cookies and beverages and had lit the table and the fire pit up with candles.

When we were done, we headed home under the light of a gorgeous full moon. A beautiful ending to a beautiful week.

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